
Acupuncture is part of a holistic system of health care that originated in China several thousand years ago. Acupuncture treatments may also include manual therapy (tuina/acupressure), cupping and therapeutic exercise (Qigong). Traditional Chinese medicine views the body as a whole and addresses how illness manifests itself in a unique individual. Your first visit involves getting a detailed picture of your health. This is gathered by using methods unique to T.C.M. practice and philosophy.

Modern acupuncture needles are stainless steel and ultra-fine. They are pre-sterilized and disposable (single-use). When the acupuncture needles are tapped into the skin, there may not be any sensation, or patients may feel a dull or slight tingle. Most clients find acupuncture treatments to be relaxing and meditative experiences.

From a biomedical standpoint, acupuncture may promote a variety of physiological responses:

  • Alleviate Pain: Acupuncture triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving substances. This mechanism helps manage different pain types, particularly chronic pain conditions.

  • Reduce Inflammation: Acupuncture might possess anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for conditions where inflammation is a contributing factor, such as arthritis.

  • Effect the Nervous System: Acupuncture can influence both the central and peripheral nervous systems. By stimulating specific nerves, it can alter the perception of pain signals and prompt the release of neurotransmitters, impacting organ function.

  • Enhance Circulation: Acupuncture is believed to enhance blood flow, leading to faster healing and reduced muscle stiffness.

  • Relax Muscles: Acupuncture can induce muscle relaxation, which is particularly useful for individuals experiencing muscle-related pain and tension.

  • Regulate Hormones: Some studies suggest that acupuncture may impact various hormones, including cortisol, the stress hormone. This regulation could contribute to reduced stress and overall improved well-being.



Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 2-7 (Westend)
Wednesday: 11-7
Thursday: 11-7 (Westend)
Friday: 11-7
Saturday: 10-5
